Brumby Engineering College

Brumby Engineering College was a sample scheme in the Building Schools for the Future (BSF) North Lincolnshire bid. NPS’ design was led by Greenfield and was favoured over the designs of two other teams. The contract was awarded in July 2009.

An £11.5 million design and build contract, the project involved extensive remodelling and rebuilding of the school’s science, resistant materials, design and technology facilities as well as the provision of a new sports hall. Work started in September 2009 and was completed in September 2011.

The existing site was a disparate collection of buildings; the earliest dating from 1928. The most recent had been completed in 2005. NPS design positioned two new blocks to create a courtyard school, and to present a modern elevation to the main neighbourhood thoroughfare, Cemetery Road. Materials were chosen and detailing devised to capture the spirit of ‘engineering’ and to harmonise with the 1960s blocks that were retained and refurbished.

Educational outcomes have considerably improved in the new environments. Brumby Engineering College is an exemplar of how a dowdy and forgotten environment can be economically transformed into a facility that is fit for twenty-first century learning.


International Aviation Academy Norwich


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