Shakespeare’s Globe Education and Rehearsal Studios

A purpose designed education base for ‘Globe Ed’, the education wing of Shakespeare’s Globe. The building was remodelled in response to specially developed teaching methods using dance and drama in a studio setting led by ‘Practitioners’ (actors) rather than teachers.

Reusing the building that Sam Wanamaker had made the centre of operations when raising funds for the Globe reconstruction project, a key planning constraint was the retention of nineteenth century facades on three sides. New floors were built behind the facades. Designs were developed to maximise space in the building, extending the envelope as much as the planning legislation would allow in a Conservation Area. The brief contained four education studios, one rehearsal studio and a cafe.

A rehearsal studio was placed on the roof in a sky-lit space, so that rehearsals could take place in a day-lit space, just like the Globe performances.   

Working with D&B contractor Durkan a construction method was developed that responded to the highly constructed nature of the site. Based on a steel structure with timber cassette floors, the new building was meticulously assembled from pre-fabricated components that arrived on a strict delivery schedule.

The education spaces have been modelled with curved interior walls, and made with integrated bench seating and storage for visiting school parties with their multiple school bags and coats.

Completion of the Education Studios on this site freed-up space on the main Globe site and enabled the Sam Wanamaker Playhouse project to begin.

Client: Shakespeare’s Globe and Durkan Contractors

Completion: Opened by the Duke of Edinburgh in 2010

Value: £5 million

Other relevant consultants: Buro Happold - Structural, Mechanical and Electrical Engineers,

Charcoalblue - Theatre Consultants


Foxhills Academy


Thurton Primary School